Malkavian Mod v0.16

I am the mod developer.
I am your man.
I can not tell you what I do not know about this release.
It involves a bartender.
Its not a really big change.

I’m not in the mood… to write my own blog post.

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7 Responses to “Malkavian Mod v0.16”

  1. syphon Says:

    Okay, NO

  2. Louis Pan Says:

    I know the dragonhead!

  3. DHalix232 Says:

    How do you fulfill the “find Bob Page” objective and the “the homeless are doing something to the soldiers, investigate” objective?

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Bob Page will be in the next release, which I’m pushing for new-years.
    The 747 quest may also be finished by then, but we might be adding a 747 level, in which case it will take longer.

    The homeless killing the soldiers (with a wrecking ball) will most likely be addressed in future releases.

  5. boct1584 Says:

    I can’t get Alex to give me the 747 quest. Additionally, none of the characters who are supposed to be in the opposite corner from Lucius’s stasis tank are there. This has happened on both v0.14 and v0.16. Any idea what might be wrong?

    • Malkavian Says:

      Hmm. You have to complete the ‘Talk to daedelus’ quest first. You might have to do this before manderley opens pills. The characters appear once you get the quest. If you think its a bug, give me a list of characters you talked to in order and I’ll try to replicate and fix it.

  6. alaric2 Says:

    hi i was looking for morgan everett and the mj12 ai which is a quest and i was never able to find him could you tell me where to fing him

    your faithfull servant alaric2 😛

    PS: by the way i love your mod sooo much

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